Guide to building a static website with Netlify
Step 1: Sign up for Github
Sign up for Github at
Step 2: Create a new repository on Github
Create a new repository with the following setup:
- /public
- index.html (home page)
- blog.html (blog page)
- tiny_projects.html (project(s) page)
- global.css (css style)
Step 3: Sign up for Netflify
Sign up for Netlify at Link with the Github account that you have created above.
Step 4: Select repository on Github
Select the repository that you have created on Github.
Step 5: Set up build settings
Netlify will ask for build settings. You do not need to include anything at all since we are only deploying a static site. Once the site has been created go into Build & deploy settings and edit the 'Build settings'. Change 'Publish directory' to public. Then go to 'Deploys' and select 'Trigger deploy' then 'Deploy site'.
Step 6: Set up a custom domain
Netlify also allows you to add a custom domain to your static website! You can add a custom domain by going into 'Domain management' and selecting 'Add custom domain'. Once you add a custom domain you will have to verify that you either own the domain or that you want to purchase it through Netlify.